Parent Handbook (K-6)

Dear Parents,
Wise School is a thriving community, full of deep learning, meaningful holiday and Shabbat celebrations, athletic competitions, musical performances, and so much more. The pages in this Parent Handbook will help you navigate this busy world by clearly explaining our policies, expectations, and school culture. I hope you will read through it carefully, and if you have any questions I invite you to speak with me about your child, our school, or our community.
I believe the success of a school is built on the strength of the partnership between the students, teachers, parents and administration. It is an honor for me, as Head of School, to work with such dedicated parents as we help our children realize their potential. May we all go from strength to strength!
Tami Weiser
Head of School
Parent Handbook (K-6)
The Annual Giving Campaign supplements the amount received from tuition and fees to provide a comprehensive educational environment at Wise. Gifts to the School’s Annual Giving Campaign provide funds for innovation and technology, student enrichment, professional development and program enhancements for our faculty, leadership, and staff. The fund is supported by gifts from parents, grandparents, and staff. Every gift is important to the school and all donors are appreciated and acknowledged. We appreciate all that you have done in the past, and look forward to your heartfelt commitment and continued support.
School Attendance and Tardiness
All K-6 students are expected to be in class by 8:00 a.m. If a student arrives between 8:00 – 8:10, they should go straight to class, where the homeroom teacher will change their status from absent to tardy. If a student arrives after 8:10, they are to go first to the school’s main office, where their status will be updated from absent to tardy and they will be given a paper that they then take to their homeroom teacher to prove that they have checked in appropriately. Please help guide your late child to the correct spot when dropping off.
Parents should avoid scheduling medical or dental appointments during school hours.
Family trips should be planned during school holidays. Please be aware we cannot replicate missed classroom instruction when a child is out. In case of an emergency, parents may pick up students from school prior to regular dismissal time. They must first go to the school office to sign a consent form.
For security reasons, students may not be excused from school without the parent’s completion of the Early Dismissal Form.
If someone other than the parent is sent to pick up a child from school, the parent must inform the school office, in advance, of the names of the authorized adult(s) and their relationship to the child. If a student is consistently tardy, the parents must meet with an administrator to determine strategies to help the child arrive to school on time.
Excused absences include illness, family emergencies, and religious holidays. If a student is absent five (5) days or longer due to illness, a written doctor’s excuse must be brought to the school office before the child can be readmitted (State of California Education Code). All school events are considered part of the school curriculum. Students are expected to attend and participate in all aspects of the program. Parents may request missed classwork and assignments by contacting the appropriate teachers via email. Assignments must be requested before 10:30 a.m. and may be picked up at the end of the school day. Assignments will not be faxed from the school office.
Returning from Absence
Following an absence, it is the child’s responsibility to obtain missed class notes and assignments, and to make up missed work. Tests may be made up when the child returns to school.
Parent Absence from Home
When parents plan to be out of town, it is important that the school/teacher be notified. A written note or email containing the names of the adults in charge at home, and the adults who have been given permission to pick up the child, as well as the telephone number where parents may be reached, should be sent to the office before the parents leave.
Temporary Exemption from Physical Education or Other Scheduled Activities
Any child who is to be excused from physical education or any other school activity must bring a note from a doctor to the school office stating the reason why and the duration of the exemption. This note will be kept on file and the information will be communicated to the appropriate teacher. A student who is excused from physical education activities will also be restricted from active play at recess. Any child who is to be exempt from physical activity for an extended period of time (more than one week) should provide the school office with a note from a doctor. This note will be kept on file in the nurse’s office. The school must receive a note from the doctor when the student has been cleared to fully participate in physical activity on the yard, in physical education classes, and on an athletic team.
Birthdays are special days in a child’s life. The school and the teachers are glad to share in acknowledging a child’s happiness in growing a year older.
- Students celebrating a birthday will be called up at the Monday morning assembly during the week of their birthday. At the end of the month, each class will have a celebration and treat (provided by the WPA) for all children celebrating a birthday in that month. Summer birthdays (June/July) will be recognized in June.
Out-of-Class Birthday Parties
It is possible to preserve individual choices in planning your child’s birthday party while valuing community unity. When organizing a birthday party, we expect parents to conform to norms and standards that make everyone feel welcomed and included. Wise School has set forth the following guidelines to ensure a community that is respectful and sensitive to all its members:
- Please mail or email invitations for out-of-school parties. We do not allow students to pass out invitations in school.
- As part of our strong emphasis on community, please follow inclusive practices:
- In K-2, invite the entire class and/or grade-level to birthday parties OR include all of one gender.
- In 3-5, if you are not able to invite the entire class, keep the guest list to fewer than 25% of the class and/or grade—level. If you are inviting more than 25% of either gender in the class, please include everyone.
- All school families should be mindful of the diversity of religious practices in our community when scheduling parties:
- Please do not schedule parties on Friday night or Shabbat morning.
- Please provide kosher food, or at least an equivalent kosher food offering (i.e. if party guests are offered pizza, please be sure there is a cheese pizza option).
When dropping your children off at school or picking them up, it is your opportunity to model attitudes and behaviors of respect and safety. By observing how you respond to the drop off and pick up rules and procedures, your children will shape their own responses to similar situations. Carpool is less stressful and more efficient for everyone when all drivers cooperate.
General Policies
- Cell phones may not be used while driving on campus.
- Drivers MUST ALWAYS follow the directions of security/parking/staff.
- Use the stairs to enter or exit from the upper level of the parking structure. The ramp is for cars only. DO NOT WALK UP OR DOWN THE RAMP.
- Students MAY NOT walk to Casiano Drive for pick-up.
- Rain Days: Prior to pick-up time, parents will be notified of rainy day protocols.
- Early Dismissal Days: Regular carpool procedures will be followed, and students in Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
- Wise School has a no-idling policy. Idling cars emit air pollutants including nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. These pollutants are responsible for a wide range of environmental and health problems. Out of concern for the safety of our children, parents and staff, we ask that you not idle on our campus.
Morning Carpool (K-6)
- Arrive between 7:40 and 7:55 a.m.
- Faber Field is supervised beginning at 7:40 a.m. Playgrounds are not supervised before that time.
- Drivers MUST pull up as far as possible in the carpool lane before dropping off children.
- It is advised that drivers not get out of their cars.
- Drivers may not park their cars or wait in the carpool drop off area. Parking is available in the parking structure.
- Students must be dropped off in the designated carpool area. They may not be dropped off in the parking structure.
- Children should exit the car through the door on the right side of the car.
Afternoon Carpool (1-6)
- All drivers picking up children will be expected to have visible vehicle decals, which have been provided to you by the school, placed on the right-hand (passenger) corner of the windshield.
- Drivers will be asked their names by the teacher on duty and children will be alerted that their ride has arrived.
Afternoon Carpool ( K)
- Kindergarten students will be walked to carpool at 2:30 p.m.
- Kindergarten carpool drivers may arrive between 2:10 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
- ALL cars for kindergarten pick up must leave the carpool lane by 2:50 p.m.
Please click here to review the Covenant of Care
We ensure the safety and security of our students, parents, staff, and faculty through a rigorous risk management program that employs the knowledge of parents, consultants, and staff members to provide us with the best practices available to mitigate and respond to risk.
Our staff has been trained to provide immediate contingency response support, regardless of circumstances. As such, we regularly engage in shelter-in-place and evacuation drills. Using our on-site resources and staff training, we can provide food, shelter, and first aid care to the entire staff and student community for up to 72 hours.
In case of an emergency or a drill:
- Parents on the Stephen Wise Campus: You will be notified by our campus intercom or our evacuation alarm system about how to proceed. We ask that all parents on campus respectfully participate in rehearsing our emergency response procedures.
- Parents outside the Stephen Wise Campus: You will be notified by our automated system about the status of your children and how to proceed as parents. We ask that all parents closely follow any instructions received from Wise School. Following all instructions is a critical component of safeguarding our children, staff, and families in the event of an emergency.
Medications: Our Disaster Preparedness Policy requires that we keep a three-day supply of daily medications that are necessary to a child’s health in the nurse’s office. The medication must be in its original pharmacy container, clearly labeled with the following information:
- Student’s name
- Name of medication
- Dosage and frequency
- Name and telephone number of the physician prescribing the medication
- A note authorizing personnel to administer the medication
This is in addition to the daily medications described under Health and Safety procedures.
All medications must be replaced prior to their expiration dates. Parents are responsible for furnishing this medication prior to the first day of school.
General Standards:
Students are expected to wear clean clothes and to be well-groomed when they come to school.
Specific Requirements for all Students in Grades K-6:
- Tops must be purchased from DENNIS Uniforms. Click here to order.
- Students may wear Wise School spirit wear (i.e., Wise Style) on Mondays only.
- All bottoms must be navy: shorts, pants, skirts, skorts, or leggings. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh length or longer. These are available through DENNIS Uniform as a convenience or through a retailer of your choice.
- Black bottoms, sweatpants, flannel pajama pants, and denim are not allowed.
- Any Wise School sweatshirt is acceptable, or plain sweatshirts in navy, grey, black, or white. Sweatshirts with large logos, initials, or other schools are not part of the dress code.
- Closed shoes of any color that are appropriate to the school environment. Students may not wear Ugg boots, Crocs, or slippers.
- Socks of any color are acceptable.
- Tights must be navy, white, or grey and worn with a skirt or dress.
- Simple hair accessories (including headbands) – any color is acceptable.
Physical Education (P.E.) Uniform Requirements for Students in Grades 4-6:
- P.E. clothing should be worn to school only on days the student has P.E., practice, clinic or game.
- Wise School sweatpants are only allowed on P.E. days.
- P.E. clothing must be purchased through Wise School. Click here to order.
Free Dress Days:
- Bottoms of any color: jeans, pants, shorts, skirts (jeans/pants cannot be torn or ripped, shorts/skirts must be mid-thigh length or longer)
- Text or images on shirts and sweatshirts must be school appropriate.
- Articles of clothing that are low-cut or revealing will not be allowed.
- Shoes must follow regular school day dress code guidelines.
Students May Not Wear:
- Clothing with large images or large text
- Makeup
- Excessive jewelry/hoop or dangling earrings
- Headbands adorned with animal ears, unicorns, etc. move into the realm of costume and become a distraction, and therefore are not allowed.
All students are expected to wear uniforms and outerwear as described within this handbook. Variations to the approved code of dress for daily wear and physical education activities are not allowed. The dress code that the school has adopted will be enforced at all grade levels, K-6.
If the above expectations are not followed, these steps will be taken:
- A verbal reminder of the dress code will follow the first offense.
- The student will be given a change of clothes and a written note or email to parents will accompany the second.
- If a student breaks the dress code a third time, a parent/guardian will be required to bring an appropriate change of clothes for the student.
- Recurring infractions will lead to a family meeting with a school administrator.
Field trips are scheduled during the school year to enhance the classroom curriculum. Prior to a field trip, an announcement is sent home providing specific information about the excursion as well as a consent form that must be signed and returned. Students who do not have a signed consent form will not be able to attend the field trip.
Emergency Contact Information
In case of a medical emergency, if parents cannot be reached immediately, the information available on the student’s online health record ensures the school will provide medical care according to the parents’ instructions. Please make sure that the adults that you have named on your student’s online health record as emergency contacts are informed of their roles and responsibilities.
Please update the student’s online health record with changes in phone number(s), addresses, or emergency contacts. Parents are responsible for keeping their own emergency information updated online at Enrollment at Wise confers upon the school the obligation to proceed with emergency care if the parent(s) cannot be immediately contacted. The school bears no liability for the decisions made in the event that parents cannot be reached.
Family Emergencies
If there is a death or illness in the family, parental separation or divorce, or a parent’s extended absence from home, a member of our administrative team should be notified. This will give the school personnel the opportunity to provide assistance and support for a student who may need it. Confidentiality will be maintained
Communicable Diseases
To protect both students and staff, parents are requested not to send children who are ill to school. The child should be observed at home and taken to a doctor, if necessary, to prevent extended illness or absence from school. If, in the judgment of the school nurse, the child is too ill to complete the school day, parents should make arrangements for their child to be picked up from school.
When an adult or child member of the school community has a communicable disease including, but not limited to, conjunctivitis, impetigo, scabies, tuberculosis, hepatitis, pinworm, German measles, mumps, and chickenpox, it must be reported to the school nurse at once. When such an event occurs, the school will make every effort to contact the families of the individuals who have been exposed. While protecting the privacy of the patient is important to everyone, protecting the health of the entire school community must receive the highest priority.
Covid-19 Safety Plan
For the latest updates, please click here.
- If you discover a case of head lice, it is very important that you call the school nurse at 310-889-2215 and then consult your local pharmacist. The most effective solution for lice is to wash the hair with an over-the-counter shampoo or lotion such as NIX or RID, carefully following the directions on the package. Then, use a fine tooth comb to remove lice and nits from the scalp down the entire hair shaft. Wash all clothing, bedding, and brushes in hot water. The lice shampoo must be repeated in 7-10 days as a follow-up.
- Students should refrain from sharing hats, brushes, or other personal items. As a parent, you can help contain lice by regularly checking your child’s hair. Look for nits, the eggs that attach to the hair shaft, which are white or light gray in color and oval-shaped. Nits must be meticulously removed daily for three weeks, even after the treatment.
- When a student is identified as having lice, the nurse contacts the parent directly. If a student has live bugs in their hair, they will be sent home. If they have nits, they will remain in class and a note will go home to all parents in the grade level. We ask that a child be free of lice before returning them to school, to avoid spreading them to other students.
Immunization Records
According to California State Law, a current copy of your child’s IMMUNIZATION RECORD MUST be kept on file and updated as necessary in your child’s online Magnus health account. Check with the school office staff or school nurse to assure that your child’s school records are up-to-date and accurate. Children in California are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend private elementary school. Schools are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports. If your child is not fully immunized or you do not turn in your updated immunizations promptly, your child will not be allowed in our school program.
All prescribed medications must be left in the nurse’s office along with the following information:
- Instructions regarding dosage
- Times and frequency of administration
- Name and telephone number of physician prescribing the medicine
- A note authorizing the school nurse to administer the medication to the student
Children may not carry medications with them during the school day. They may not bring medications to class.
Returning To School After Injury
They should bring a note from the doctor with restrictions (crutches, casts, splints, etc.) and when they can return to activity. This note should come to the nurse who will provide copies to the classroom teacher and P.E. coaches.
Wise School (K-6) hours of operation are as follows:
- 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday*
Classes are in session as follows:
- Kindergarten: 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
- Grades 1-6: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
* Early supervision is available beginning at 7:40 a.m. on Faber Field. Supervision is not provided prior to that time. It is important that parents be punctual in picking up carpools or individual students at their designated dismissal time.
At Wise School, homework is assigned to further our vision that students have the opportunity to learn deeply, be creative, experience wholeness and make great happen. Homework assignments are given with purposeful intent. They are meant to support children’s development of proper work habits/organizational skills, promote growth in assuming responsibility, encourage independent behavior, reinforce daily learning, and give parents a glimpse into what their child is learning.
Student Responsibilities
- Students will bring all required materials to home and school in an organized manner using their homework folders, binders, or as directed by the teacher.
- Students will know all assignments by making sure they are written in their planners and will ask clarifying questions to teachers before leaving school each day.
- Students will work independently on assignments to the best of their ability.
- Students will communicate with teachers any challenges they face on an assignment, bringing in evidence of work attempted.
Parent Responsibilities
- Parents will set up conditions for their children to do their homework effectively by providing consistent and adequate time, a quiet space, and appropriate materials.
- Parents will work with their children to determine a healthy schedule of activities that will allow time to complete homework, work on projects, and study for tests while still getting adequate sleep and time for play.
- If a student forgets to bring their homework to school, parents will not return to campus to deliver the forgotten homework assignments or to pick up materials.
- Parents will communicate with teachers directly regarding specific feedback about their children and their homework experience.
- Parents will let children make mistakes and experience “productive struggle”, always nurturing a growth mindset in their child and in themselves.
Teacher Responsibilities
- Teachers will reflect on the purpose of each homework assignment and will clearly articulate the assignment’s goals to students.
- Teachers will assign meaningful and relevant homework that is developmentally appropriate.
- Teachers will tailor homework assignments, when feasible, to meet diverse academic needs.
- Teachers will support students’ understanding of time management for short-term and long-term projects with a calendar of due dates.
- Teachers will coordinate with grade-level colleagues (specialists, Hebrew/Judaic) to ensure homework assignments are aligned with the time guidelines.
- Teachers will review/evaluate formally or informally each homework assignment in a timely manner.
- Teachers will provide parents an opportunity to give feedback about their children’s homework experience.
Administration Responsibilities
- Winter and spring breaks are designed to provide students a chance to rest and be with their families. No homework other than daily reading is expected over the break period.
- Moadim L’simcha (Days of Celebration): Halachah (Jewish Law) states that certain Jewish holidays are deemed holy. On these days, one is not supposed to do work and should fulfill the commandments of the holiday as well as spend time with family. Wise School respects and honors these holidays by giving students the opportunity to not worry about doing homework or studying for a test. The following are Moadim L’simcha and, therefore, work will not be due the day after these holidays:
- Sept. 26-27, 2022 | Rosh Hashanah
- Oct. 4 – 6, 2022 | Yom Kippur
- Oct. 10, 2022 | Sukkot
- Oct. 17, 2022 | Shemini Atzeret
- Oct. 18, 2022 | Simchat Torah
Based on current research available, including best practices shared by Denise Clark Pope, the following time allotments to complete homework in all subjects (not including free reading) are offered as general guidelines:
- Kindergarten: On occasion
- Grades 1 and 2: 10 – 20 minutes
- Grades 3 and 4: 30 – 40 minutes
- Grades 5 and 6: 50 – 60 minutes
Wise School feels deeply that the best learning is done in class and independently at home. The use of outside support should be coordinated with administration, and a clear line of communication must be established.
The Diener and Kadner Families Library
The library serves our schools, the parents of our students, and the Temple community through an extensive collection of more than 25,000 volumes of Judaic and general studies books.
Beginning in Kindergarten, students are introduced to the children’s collection and learn how to handle, care for, and check out books and other materials. Most importantly, through regularly scheduled story hours in the library, students are encouraged to love the world of reading through books. All students come to the library with their classes for lessons, story hours, and individual or group research, all taught or facilitated by the librarian.
In addition, the library sponsors a book fair, a bookmark contest, an author luncheon, and the book awards assembly which is held at the end of the school year.
The librarian thanks all students and parents in advance for caring for the Schools’ books and for returning books and materials on time so that other readers may enjoy them.
Library Hours:
- Monday – Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Our lunch policy is designed to provide a safe, healthy, and conscientious food atmosphere for all our students.
- Children may bring their lunches or parents may purchase lunch from our vendor, Vicki’s Lunchbox.
- In accordance with Temple policy, lunches may not contain any pork or shellfish.
- Wise School K-6 is a “nut-safe” program. If a child in a particular grade has a nut allergy, the classroom/grade level is designated as nut-free.
- Lunchtime is part of our social curriculum and we encourage it to be a parent-free time.
- Individual deliveries of lunch from outside companies is not allowed.
The following are Standards for Student Conduct. A Wise student represents the school in all activities on or off campus, and is expected to behave in a way that brings credit to the school.
Student Conduct
- Students will be punctual to all classes and school events.
- Students will participate attentively and respectfully in all activities, services and assemblies.
- Students will respect the authority of their teachers and cooperate with classroom procedures.
- Students will treat all School and Temple staff with respect.
- Students will adhere to the Standards for Student Conduct in all forms of interpersonal communication.
- Students will practice wise, ethical, and responsible behavior when using technology.
- Students will respect the feelings, work, and property of others. Name calling, bad language, bullying, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated.
- Students will adhere to the required dress code.
- Students will move throughout the school in a safe and orderly manner when classes are in session.
- Students will not display or use cell phones, toys, electronic devices, or other distracting or disruptive items during school hours.
- Students will take care of all parts of the school environment, including classrooms, bathrooms, eating areas, cubbies/lockers, playgrounds, and common areas and facilities.
- Students will adhere to these conduct standards on field trips and wherever they are recognized as members of the Wise community.
Student Conduct at Recess, P.E. and After School Sports
- Students will use all playground equipment appropriately and safely.
- Students will return playground equipment to the proper place in the proper manner.
- Students will play cooperatively by taking turns, following game rules and including others.
- Students will attempt to solve conflict with civility and empathy and are advised to seek adult assistance when needed.
- Students will remain in designated areas during all recess periods.
At the start of each school year and periodically throughout the year, students are made aware of the school rules and expectations. They are discussed and reinforced throughout the school day, in the classrooms and at special assemblies. Children operate best in an environment where clear expectations, adult modeling, and mutual respect are the rule. Although we understand that children make mistakes, it is our goal that they will learn from their mistakes as they grow in self-awareness and self-control.
Students are expected to abide by the Standards for Student Conduct whenever they are on the Wise school campus and at all school-related events. By adhering to these principles and standards, our students will thrive and be proud members of our Wise community.
The following are the steps and consequences for violations of the student’s conduct:
– When the problem behavior is observed, the student will receive non-verbal redirection by the teacher or other adult.
– The second time the behavior is observed, there will be a verbal redirection, and the expected behavior will be reviewed with the student.
If the behavior(s) continue, the student will be…
…given a reflection sheet to complete in the classroom and have a follow-up conversation with the teacher. This sheet will go home for a parent signature.
…asked to leave the classroom and go to the office to meet with a school counselor.
…sent to the office to meet with the Dean of Students. They will lose either their morning and/or afternoon recess. An email will be sent to the parents.
If the behavior persists, the parents will be called to discuss the continuing behavior(s), and the student will receive an in-school suspension at a time that will be determined by the teacher and administration.
The parents will be called into school to have a meeting with the Dean of Students, counselors, teacher, and student to discuss a plan for home and school to best support the child.
The student will be suspended for a length of time determined by the school’s administration team. In order for the student to return to school, the parents will need to have a meeting with the Head of School.
If the behavior continues, the current and future enrollment of the student will be in question.
Parent Conferences
Formal conferences are scheduled between parents and the child’s teacher in the fall and spring. At the conference, parents and teachers review the child’s progress and discuss strengths and areas of growth. Conferences provide an excellent opportunity for the teacher and parents to come together as a team to develop strategies to support the child’s learning experience. If additional information is needed during the school year, parents are encouraged to email their child’s teacher directly. Teachers will respond within 48 hours.
Progress Reports
Families receive student progress reports twice a year, in January and in June. Within each grading period, teachers evaluate and comment on student academic performance and growth, as well as important non-academic areas such as effort, conduct and work habits.
Standardized Testing
In the spring, the Educational Records Bureau’s (ERB) Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP 5) is administered to students in Grades 3 – 5. This series of tests measures our students’ achievement in language arts and math relative to the performance of students in independent schools nationwide. Children’s test scores are made available to parents. Additionally, our students’ reading, writing, and mathematics skills are assessed individually at specific intervals during the year.
Referral for Services
The Student Support Team (SST) is chaired by the Director of Student Support, and is composed of the Administrative Team, the Counselors, and classroom teachers. The purpose of the SST is to respond to teachers’ concerns about their students’ academic achievement, classroom behaviors, and social interactions. Teachers may submit a Request for Consideration Form to the Director of Student Support. The Student Support Team then gathers to review available information about the child in question. Following discussion with the teachers and examination of student work, measures may be recommended to address the student’s needs. Responsibility may be assigned to one or more team members to further the recommendations. A variety of strategies and services to provide appropriate academic support, enrichment, or social growth opportunities may be recommended.
Parents may be encouraged to seek a comprehensive evaluation or to arrange for supplemental support services outside of the school. Monitoring and follow-through are accomplished through the coordinated efforts of the team. The Director of Student Support maintains and updates confidential files of students discussed at SST meetings. The Director of Student Support also collects independent testing results and reports on outside services provided to students. While the staff makes recommendations, parents are always included in the decision-making process.
The Counseling Program
The counseling program at Wise is supervised by qualified and experienced school counselors who provide guidance and support services as follows:
- Meetings are held with students, individually or in groups, to improve communication and social skills and to provide problem-solving strategies.
- Resources are provided for teachers and administrators to effectively handle children’s social and emotional needs. Behavior management and motivational strategies are suggested.
- Parent conferences are held with parents, teachers and administrators for the purpose of helping students succeed at school.
- Whole Child discussion groups are conducted on topics of concern at each grade level.
- Families are supported during times of crisis, separation, divorce and illness.
- The school may recommend outside community counseling resources.
From time to time, children who attend Wise may need outside tutoring. When a child is not keeping up with his or her work or when a child is having difficulty acquiring information and concepts, the parent or teacher may ask the Student Support Team to consider the nature of the child’s needs and to recommend an appropriate course of action. In some cases, outside tutoring may be indicated.
To help parents avoid spending money and time unnecessarily, and to assure that the child receives appropriate benefits from tutoring, please observe the following practices when considering engaging the services of a tutor:
- Meet with the Director of Student Support and the teacher to discuss the issue and to develop a plan.
- Obtain a list of referrals for tutors from the Director of Student Support to assist you in selecting the most appropriate person for the needs of your child.
- Make sure that the tutor receives specific information regarding the purpose for tutoring so that the services provided match the child’s identified needs.
- Once support is in place, connect the tutor and the Director of Student Support to ensure collaboration between outside support and the teachers.
- School policy does not permit teachers to tutor students enrolled in their own class. As teachers are asked to refrain from directly recommending tutoring services or specific tutors to parents, we ask that parents refrain from asking teachers for such recommendations. All such requests and referrals are coordinated by the Director of Student Support.
The Wise Parent Association is a vital part of your child’s school experience, and maximum parent involvement is critical to the WPA’s effectiveness as a support organization for Wise School. Through the efforts of WPA members, programs such as the Purim Carnival and the Holiday Boutique are made possible. An important part of the WPA’s work involves fundraising for the enrichment of our children’s education as well as coordinating social activities for our community.
We encourage each and every parent in our school to attend the Wise Parent Association meetings, as this is the first step in getting involved in your child’s education. You will hear reports from our school administrators, learn about upcoming programs and events, engage with guest speakers and most importantly, volunteer your time to help out in an activity that will be enjoyed by our entire community. Your ideas, input and attendance are needed and appreciated. Working together to make our school the best it can be for our children is our primary goal.
You can contact the WPA at [email protected].
The Los Angeles Jewish community embodies a wealth of national and ethnic diversity. It is home to Jews from around the world and includes mixed-faith, mixed-race, and same-sex Jewish families. Wise reflects the diversity of Los Angeles.
At Wise, we welcome Jews from all backgrounds, and we strive to reflect their diverse Jewish experiences in our community programs and school curriculum. To successfully integrate all members of our community, we expect all of our parents and students to celebrate our diversity and to demonstrate cultural sensitivity. Our varied experiences and personal stories can help to provide our children with the sophistication and skills to navigate our increasingly complex and diverse global world. To ensure everyone’s comfort, we ask that all members of the community speak English when around those who do not share another language, and we ask those who speak only English to be flexible with and understanding towards those who occasionally slip into their mother tongue.
We believe that the following four principles are essential to building a strong, healthy, vibrant, and cohesive community that makes us WISE:
- Well-Informed: A well-informed community is a cohesive, inclusive community. We will make every effort to keep you informed. Please make every effort to stay informed by reading our weekly emails, visiting our website, and staying in touch.
- Involved: Wise wants you to be involved so that we can learn deeply, be creative, and experience wholeness together. Take a class, join a committee, come to a Thursday minyan – Wise is your home away from home as much as it is your child’s home away from home.
- Supportive: Wise depends on your support to make great happen. Participate in annual giving. Volunteer in the classroom. Support us in your areas of expertise. Say “hineni” when asked.
- Enthusiastic: An enthusiastic community is a strong community. Be authentic, passionate and positive about Wise School. Let friends and family beyond our hilltop know what an amazing community we have and champion Wise School to others.