Dear Wise School Community,

We remain grateful for your overwhelming support regarding our decision to close the campus to our students beginning tomorrow. We understand the difficulties this places upon families, but we felt that this was the appropriate decision to provide the safest environment for our students and families.

We also understand the concerns that this news raises. Due to privacy constraints, we cannot and will not reveal the identity of individuals suspected of infection. However, due to the cooperation of the parent suspected of infection, we can inform you that:

(1) The parent has not been on the campus in the past two weeks.
(2) No member of the household was present at the Purim Carnival or subsequent events on campus.
(3) The only Wise School student belonging to the household is currently enrolled in Grade 6.
(4) The Los Angeles Department of Public Health, in addition to advice we have received from medical experts, have not recommended that any other students or families at Wise School self-quarantine in response to this incident.

Should we have reason to suspect that any family need self-quarantine due to this case or any other cases that may arise in the future, we will be in direct contact with you immediately.

We thank you for your patience as we took the time to determine what information we could responsibly provide. Please know that we remain committed to ensuring the safety of our entire community.

Tami Weiser