Our Vision
The vision of Wise School is to inspire and empower our students and their families to learn deeply about our world and Jewish heritage, to be creative, and to experience wholeness so that we can make great happen in our community, our nation, Israel, and the world.
Our Mission
Wise School – where students learn deeply
At Wise School, through depth, complexity and differentiation, our students learn how to learn. Children build knowledge as they ask questions, research, solve problems, and add layers to their understanding.
Wise School – where students learn to be creative
Through the application of creativity, children voice their independence, expand their minds, and work towards achieving their greatest potential. Students become creators instead of consumers; they focus more on the process than the product. Students maximize their opportunity to stand out in a competitive world by looking at life through innovative lenses.
Wise School – where students experience wholeness
Our students experience wholeness (שלימות – shleimut), by making interdisciplinary connections through development of mind, body, and soul. We acknowledge and appreciate moments of Shalom. We recognize each student’s strengths and contributions as we build an inclusive community. We honor our Jewish faith as a living heritage, begin to develop a deep understanding of and commitment to Israel, and develop proficiency in and appreciation of the Hebrew language.
Wise School – a community that cares – ultimately – about making great happen in our world
At Wise School, thoughtful people inspire meaningful actions in order to make great happen through acts of tikkun olam (תיקון עולם , repair of the world).