Giving at Wise
Our goal is to reach 100% participation to ensure exceptional opportunities and experiences for our students.
Each year, the generosity of Wise School parents, alumni, grandparents and staff allows us to create exceptional opportunities for our students. Your support ensures continued excellence in developing curious, creative and independent Jewish leaders of the future. Donations to the Annual Giving Fund sustain every aspect of our school – from need-based financial aid to faculty salaries and professional development, innovative programming and the highest levels of security.
Every gift makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Jewish Education.
Investing in Our School
The Wise School Annual Giving Fund is the school’s yearly campaign to raise funds in support of the daily operating budget:
- Invest in the highest caliber security personnel
- Provide cutting-edge resources for our technology program
- Advance the benefits of our exclusive partnership with USC’s Rossier School of Education
- Provide for field trips
- Enhance our Wildcat athletics program
- Support the spring musical
- Upgrade facilities
To make a gift in support of Wise School, please contact Rachel Atias, Assistant Director of Development, at 310.889.2233 or [email protected].