Admission FAQs

The main point of entry to Wise School is in Kindergarten. In all other grades spaces are available based on attrition. Therefore, openings are not always available in all grade levels.
Prospective applicants and their parents are advised to submit their applications as soon as possible. The application deadline is January 10, 2025.
The first step in applying to Wise School is to complete the online application by January 10, 2025. The Office of Admission will then schedule a student screening and a parent interview. Families will be notified of the days and times via email and are asked to confirm those dates and times with the Office of Admission upon receipt.
Wise seeks to admit bright, motivated, creative, and involved students who, along with their families, are committed to the values of our School’s mission and who have the ability to contribute to the School community throughout their time here.
The Wise School Financial Aid Program enrolls qualified students whose parents demonstrate financial need. All applications must be completed no later than Friday, January 10, 2025. We use FACTS Grant and Aid to assess financial eligibility for our families. Please log in and fill out the online application. Our School code is 35910. The following must be uploaded in PDF format to FACTS.
Yes, all families whose children attend Wise School are required to be members of the Temple.
Admission decisions will be mailed on March 14, 2025. Enrollment Agreements are due on March 21, 2025.
The size of the wait pool varies from year to year. Our wait pool is non-prioritized and a decision to fill a space with a student from the wait pool may not necessarily be made on a first-come, first-served basis. We make every effort to notify candidates placed in our wait pool of space availability by the end of April. However, there is no guarantee that a space will become available.
Wise requires its students to wear a uniform. Requirements are sent home at the beginning of each School year and students are expected to be appropriately and neatly attired according to the guidelines.